Welcome! My name’s David. Thanks for stopping by.

An Introduction

I am married to an amazing woman. We have been together for 23+ years and recently celebrated our 20th anniversary.

We have one son. Never say never, but I expect he will forever be our only child. More on that soon.

Fun fact: my son was born only months before I turned 40. Because we had our son later in life, I feel like I approach things differently than if he’d been born 15 years ago when I was in my 20’s.

Our Story of Adoption: Ultra-Abbreviated Edition

When I think about how it all came to be, our story is pretty remarkable and deserves its own post at some point in the near future. The quick take away is that after 15 years of marriage and infertility struggles, we decided to adopt. What we thought would be a two year (or more) process all happened in less than FOUR MONTHS! There is no doubt that God’s hand was all over that from the timing to the little guy we brought home. Adoption is such a huge part of our lives now that you’ll see it on the site from time to time. It won’t permeate every post because we think of him as OUR son and not an adopted child, but it will weave in and out of the story arc.

Some of the first content you’ll find here will be fitness and nutrition-related. That’s because I am moving some content from a previous site that focused on those topics. I’m currently working on building a page just for fitness related things on this site. I’m sure you can find the prototype here if you do a little detective work with the URL.

By the end of 2013 I was 283 pounds. I changed my lifestyle and habits in January of 2014 and, over the next year, lost 90 pounds of fat and gained 20 pounds of muscle to end up around 213 pounds. That’s how fitness also became a topic for conversation. If you have questions, comments, or topics you’d like me to cover be sure to send them over to dad @ dad2one.com

My Biography

By day I work an office job that is unique, but not really exciting to the outside world. I’m in the manufacturing industry, so I’m not trying cases, practicing medicine, or orbiting the Earth. My undergraduate degree is in Business Administration and I have an MBA with concentrations in Corporate Finance and Healthcare Management.

My bucket list includes things such as writing a book, designing my own home, and celebrating 50 years of marriage. The last one may prove the toughest as it isn’t easy being married to me! Many kudos to my wife.

Contact Info:

Email me at dad @ dad2one.com (remove spaces)
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